Saturday, June 19, 2010

Does anyone know what book this quote is from?

"I looked for love in all the right places and found absolutely nothing, absolutely no one. I gave up and sat on the front steps of an indulgent summer, while it was inside doing shots of whiskey, with it's hair cut off as figuratively short as mine. I came inside and someone called for chasers. It rode with me, all the way to the gas station, where a stranger asked for gas money and they made polite conversation. I still wonder if that man was ever graced by human courtest, enough, to get his car down the road. I am only seventeen and I refuse to lie, pretending to know everything. Life is so strange. Love is so strange. And they only make sense in all the wrong places."

Does anyone know what book this quote is from?

Dang, I'm stumped. I hope someone answers this. If you figure it out, please post the answer.

Does anyone know what book this quote is from?

You sure your not just copying something out of your diary? Just kidding, I have not got a clue. Way to indept for me.


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