Saturday, June 19, 2010

What natural use are lesbians?

Sorry no not trying to be nasty or anti lesbian.

Often see the relgious arguments of gays being unnatural.

But logically other then birth caontrol that applies to lesbainas and gays which is good for the human specaies in terms of more food etc.

Gay men often (not always) seem to excell in creative and social areas...

ie the stereotypical hair dressing, fashion design, wedding planning, chefs, comedians, acting, often fun, funny, party animals etc.

And camp nature of many can make them good babysitters and kids presenters...

All positive areas which in a species could help reduce stress vai the entertainment, help get striaghts together making girls look great etc.

But other then getting hetro guys all excited if they kiss...

Have not worked out logical natural benefits of lesbians as a general group interms of common personality triats that woudl fit the niche in nature.

So girls actually looking at good put down god squad arguments in your fav

What natural use are lesbians?

We are of use to other lesbians...we are not here to be of a "natural use" as a group.

What natural use are lesbians?

as is commonly seen in animals, such as monkeys for example, they will often care for and nurture others young ( not lesbians specifically, but family type animals, such as wolves or chimpanzees) this extra help will give the young a better chance at survival, someone to keep away predators whilst parents hunt, someone to play with them, grooming and taking care of whilst parents are busy etc, particularly surrogate mothering / breasat feeding.

camp nature is a stereotype of gay males, not all of them, or even a mass majority of them are like that.

What natural use are lesbians?

A lesbian friend is always nice to have because she knows how to fix things that I wouldn't know how.

What natural use are lesbians?

Do one you muppet

What natural use are lesbians?


Lesbians are people, not just some label without feelings, emotions, needs, interests, talents, etc. Just because a person is homosexual does not mean that they are useless to society. You are putting the person's sexuality before them and defining them solely by one small aspect of what makes a person who they are. We are all human (even if we dont' act it!) first and foremost; our sexuality, even though it is an important part of who we are is not the sole defining attribute. To use your logic, what's the purpose of straight people other than over populating the earth beyond our ability to manage and control our resources and other than producing more of us!


What natural use are lesbians?

I find this very offensive...first of all how would you like to be put in a group? I am not a group..I am an individual..with a heart..a soul....who wants the same thing in life as you love and to be in be happy...I dont understand why people have to come in here and antagonize gays and lesbians?...why cant you just be happy with you and your life? Does it make you feel good to hurt others? I am important because God made me..he loves me..and I contribute to my community..i am a school bus driver..a sister..a aunt...a girlfriend....a christian..i am beautifully and wonderfully made..and I can have children...and I know with all of my heart that I am good..and i would never say hurtfull things to you....God bless your soul!

What natural use are lesbians?

if ur not gay or a lesbian then y the hel* r u worried about it, u shouldnt Worry about other people anyways, and ya know most of the time ppl cant help what they are what if every one started saying being straight wasnt right, well u would probley say yeah well i kow different well what if every one started saying it to ur kids then to therte kids and so on, what would happen then, oh we would be normal, what ever screw u

What natural use are lesbians?

we are brill as homemakers

we love kids and spend a darn sight more playing with them than men do

we often fulfil those fantasies you only dream of in mens mags

when you say creative that category is full of lesbians, but cos of social taboos they stay hidden and pose as hetros, theres endless lists if you care to seek them out, but i think your question is aimed at finding out more about us lesbians in a sexual sense than at knowing our lifestyles..

What natural use are lesbians?

I agree with most of the considered answers to this, nobody has to be of any use, natural or otherwise, to anybody other than themselves. And nobody has to justify their existence or preferences to anyone either. I take it that you're a guy who doesn't understand women too well either?

Nature, in all her wisdom, has provided us with incredible diversity and I'm so glad that we're not all the same. Stepford Wives/Husbands = No thanks! There's no need for any of us to use logic/argument/analysis etc, just let others be themselves. It will save you alot of brainpower. Quitting stereotyping would help, as I'm sure you're very different from your neighbours, even if, on the surface, you're each in the same category of something or other.

BTW, do you have an issue with women? I noticed this other strange post from you-

'Why do people think 16-17 year old girls are all innocent and unerable and easy to manipulate?' Your spelling mistake.

Good luck! Rob

What natural use are lesbians?

You like the sound of your own voice don't you.

What are childless women for then?

What are disabled people for then?

What are unemployed people for then?

What natural use are lesbians?

Think about how many famous lesbians there are - compared to famous gay men.

There are countless reality TV shows, usually with gay/camp male presenters, who are helping people with creative dilemmas - interior design, fashion advice etc. How many TV shows have lesbian presenters?

TV is creating a stereotype of a gay man, which is leading to acceptance from the general (heterosexual) pubic, but there is hardly any publicity for lesbians. My mum, for example, loves the typical 'camp' gay man, but when she sees two women holding hands, she thinks its disgusting - I find this perception upsetting.

As mentioned before, people do not need to have a use to be regarded as a person. Everyone has talents, emotions and desires, regardless of sexuality. It's how people use their talents which should be questioned.

What natural use are lesbians?

This question doesn't make sense, your examples are all wrong. People do contribute naturally because of their sexual orientation, they contribute in the ways you have listed because of who they are.

Graham Norton and Julian Clary are funny...that is why they add something to our lives, not because they are gay.

You list steroetypes such as chefs, fashion designers and acting as examples...are these social or natural? Also they are not necessarily determined by sexual orientation!

Any of the above could be used to explain why anyone is valuable in our society. What about Doctors and the Emergency Services? They have straight, gay, and lesbian members and surely provide some of the most valuable services we can think of.

It is not sexual orientation which makes people valuable or gives them a "use" in life it is what they do. Lesbians therefor have the same "use" as everyone else that you've listed but not because they are lesbians, because they are people and we all serve a purpose.

Now if you'd actually asked and explained the question properly then I'd be happy to answer it. As you clearly can't define natural I'm assuming you're referring to the child birth argument? You know that one they all use!

Parenting is not confined ti childbirth and I'm sre anyne will tell you that it is not the people that give birth that make a difference in a child's life, but the people who raise them. Both Gays and Lesbians can make fantastic parents and will no doubt raise their children with a much more balanced view of the world which can only be a good thing. I'm not saying this is only true of gay parents, it's not! But the point is they can do just as good a job as anyone else and so serve as much "use" as anyone else.

Again I can't stress this're assuming that lesbians have no purpose but you're forgetting that they are people, and people have a purpose.

Apart from reproduction what use do straights have? You cannot name a single other one that cannot be applied to ANYONE else.

What natural use are lesbians?

oboy didn't you have something to say

What natural use are lesbians?

As a lesbian-I can give you the natural use for lesbians mmmmm........!

What natural use are lesbians?

only of use to each other

What natural use are lesbians?

There are lots of examples of homosexuality in the natural world. Many humans are gay, so there is one example. Another example would be flamingos.

As for what "use" are lesbians - what "use" is anyone as a group? Personally I believe that there is a certainly dignity to being human that transcends usefulness to a larger society or what one does for work.

What natural use are lesbians?

I see what your getting at. But there isn't much to say. There are many more gay role models in the public eye than lesbian role models, so it is hard to find examples of lesbian contribution. However, many lesbians have similar skills to straight men, due to similarities in the way they think. So they may be better at some activities compared to their straight peers. These would be left brain activities involving logic and analysis. I hope this helps.

What natural use are lesbians?

it was such a long question that even i lost the plot. im sure others will have too.

What natural use are lesbians?

I'm gay and i totally get your question, because i too have asked myself that question. Well maybe not that exact question, but i have wondered that if we are the way we are, and we all have something to offer, as a group what is that?

honestly, i think it will show more in the future as intelligent, well presented, dedicated gay women work their way into the male dominated areas of the world such as the workplace and government. just like gay men did with interior design and hairdressing.

you have to remember that gay men havent always been reverred as the must-have of the season. until 5-10 years ago they were the drag queens you smiled politely at while pittying them and their sad lives (stereotype i know, but all the 'straight-gays' were well hidden). its only been with tv shows like Queer eye and Queer as Folk that gay men have become popular, seen more for what they have to offer the community rather than what they get up to in the bedroom.

And its only a matter of time until this happens with women (i'm hoping tv shows like the L word help with this!). I know many gay women who are excelling in their chosen professions and we need these women to give their woman's touch to the world which has until now been run by men. i know straight women can do this too, but many choose to leave work and have a family, which i totally support (!).

i heard someone say once that there would be no war or poverty in this world if it were run by women. And while i don't mean that all men love war and taking food from children, I do honestly believe that the world needs more women in charge who make decisions with their heart, not with their egos. And i think gay women are in the perfect position to do this.


What natural use are lesbians?

and your point is?

What natural use are lesbians?

I know plenty of lesbian women. They have all kinds of skills, and one in particular is a kick @ss electrician that I taught from a helper to a Journyman Electrician.

Also, there are no logical reasons for any kind of sexual behavior, even hetero, it's just what comes naturally to all of us, and believe me, us gays are born that way.

However, here is another for lesbians, when some twink like you needs protection, you can run to the butch girls, ok?

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