Thursday, June 17, 2010

Questions for muslims...?

If god wanted women to be covered why he didn't give us full hair so we don't need to use clothes, you don't think that the women having to cover and not the men is quite sexist and unfair, why God may give us something we have to feel "humble" about it, the body is not a wonderful gift, why to look at it as "almost only to fornicate", is the "fornication" in the body or it is in the mind?

If God wanted human being to have a religion, and only one religion is true, why he would made us so different and send a so not trustworthy person as Mohamed as Prophet and not Jesus, what Mohamed brought better or complementary to Jesus that has not do with racism and holy war?

How it is that the last "religion" to be assembled has the most laughable version of Heaven?, Buddha for example believes in reincarnation, soul, credits, karma, Nirvana...

Questions for muslims...?

You know you talk about respect in one of your other questions but it's sad that you don't practice what you preach. Try to be more tolerant and respectful of not only culture and tradition but also of religion as well...

I think you should write a note to the Vatican and have all the statues of the Virgin Mary and the others disrobed if you feel so strongly about it. It's not only the Muslims that should be in your crosshairs.

Questions for muslims...?

God wants to test us, that's why we're here.

Questions for muslims...?

Who said men dont need to cover their bodies?

lol youre very mistaken.

In Islam, the males have to cover their bodies from the navel to the knee, even when theyre around other men.

There are so many assumptions in your question that Id have to write a couple of paragraphs to address all of them.

Do me a favor and write one question at a time so I dont bore you and other people. :)

Questions for muslims...?

Excuse me! Prophet MUHAMMAD is the most TRUSTWORTHY person.

I agree with calmness[the person who gave an answer before me].

Questions for muslims...?

The Jews and Christians use to cover.. now they changed their religion. They also use to get on their knees and prostrate to God. Women in Islam cover themselves to show that they are believers. They have respect for themselves. They don't need to be so insecure with life that they are flaunting their bodies to men for attention. God created Adam to worship him. I don't understand why you want to bash Islam, why don't you promote your own beliefs instead, or are they so weak the only way you can feel good is by putting down others?

24:31 in the Quran tells that a man should tell believing women to cover..

Questions for muslims...?


"If god wanted women to be covered why he didn't give us full hair so we don't need to use clothes"

ummmm, that's the funkiest thing I ever heard.

If women had body hair, then that would be pretty gross, and no man would ever sleep with his wife.


"you don't think that the women having to cover and not the men is quite sexist and unfair"

Get your facts straight before saying such false statements.

Hijab for men

People usually only discuss 閳ユijab閳?in the context of women. However, in the Glorious Qur閳ユ獌n, Allah (swt) first mentions 閳ユijab閳?for men before 閳ユijab閳?for the women. The Qur閳ユ獌n mentions in Surah Noor:

"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do."

[Al-Qur閳ユ獌n 24:30]

The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.


"why God may give us something we have to feel "humble" about it, the body is not a wonderful gift, why to look at it as "almost only to fornicate", is the "fornication" in the body or it is in the mind?"

Yea what you say is nice and all, but you and I know that it doesn't work. it's impossible to look at a woman and not think about sex.

If your a guy you'll know that very well.

That's the way men are, men are always thinking about sex.


"If God wanted human being to have a religion, and only one religion is true, why he would made us so different and send a so not trustworthy person as Mohamed as Prophet and not Jesus, what Mohamed brought better or complementary to Jesus that has not do with racism and holy war?"

ummm, now your just saying none sense, your digging a hole for yourself and your going to get yourself cornered and totally embarrassed, because your saying things that are really funky.

Jesus (pbuh) and Mohammed (pbuh) both came with the Same message, and that's monotheism.

You call Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), not so trustworthy?

That's actually pretty funny since one of the name people called him is the trustworthy one and the truthful one. (even by his enemies he was called that).


"How it is that the last "religion" to be assembled has the most laughable version of Heaven?,"

Next time give proof of what you say.

Questions for muslims...?

before the bible and Torah have been altered and added to,

they were the true word of God.

He revealed one religion, but people changed them.

no shiit the Body is a wonderful gift. In fact the women's body is like a piece of art. what are you like 12 years old or something. Cuz that is the kind of stuff a child would say. you obviously don't know the nature of men, you dont realize how beautiful a woman's body could be..and is.

That is why it is only to be shared with one who values her and her opinions and her company not just her physical company or her body.

Questions for muslims...?

even if we had really long hair it still wouldnt cover our body. and covering our body is just for our helpfulness. to protect us. in the US alot of woman get raped,beaten, sexually harrased,etc. if we were covered the it wouldnt tempt. men to do all the bad things they do. but also it does depend on the men they still shouldnt do that.

theres a story:


and also prophet Muhammad(PBUH) IS a trustworthy person he never lied or did anything bad....god did send prophet Jesus(PBUH) but after that god sent prophet Muhammad(PBUH) but the christians didnt follow prophet Muhammad(PBUH) because they though Jesus(PBUH) was god or son of god. when he wasnt he was a PROPHET!!!

Questions for muslims...?

you are just another trouble maker, just another number, just another racist, just another mouth barking away .....

i got my two points worth though!!

Questions for muslims...?

I liked how the others answered this question...but what I wish for them to do is attach more convincing evidence of such. Well I guess I'm left with that job. But what I must tell you before I begin is that I don't have enough to say about Islam, because it is never enough! lol. Anyway, its interesting that you posted about the prophets :Jesus [May God be pleased with him], Buddha[May God be pleased with him] and Mohamed [May God be pleased with him] and the fact that there are numerous religions that claim that they hold the truth. The reason behind the latter is that all the prophets that came before Prophet Mohamed [May God be pleased with him] carried with them books to keep safe with the people. However there are those that are willing to erase the existence of God from the minds and hearts of the people and will stop at nothing to achieve this quest. - that still happens today if you haven't noticed. So what did they do? They changed the books of course! Burned them....hidden them whatever...and thus produced thier own religion...arguing that how can they believe that a God of immortal and invisiblity he ashamed of his own creation or does he think so highly of himself? these were the type of questions - among others- that bombarded people's homes and eventually erupted into wars and bitter conflict. Until, people totally forget that a God exists and then another prophet comes into their world and brings forth light. Fortunately, one book has never been changed ever since it was brought down...and that is the Koran. That's why Muslims always stick to their faith and people from all over the world succumb to it....because there is not one false word seen within it and it adapts within any culture. It has been used for years in scientific research and thus has proven to be a book for all humanity to seek knowledge from within it. People argue that it was written by men...but that is false...the prophet's companions were men and women and he highly appraised the existance of daughters and the ideology of feminism.....he loved his men and women dearly. Then there was that stereotype passed down by Denmark and other European newspapers and the Pope himself stating that Mohamed passed down the message - the last message of truth- by the sword. Its as if he forced it upon the people but that's not true. He never taught us to hate people just because of religion, or culture, or skin color....etc. He actually swore that if anyone - that even included Muslims- dare to harm his Christain brothers then he wouldn't hesitate to protect them with his life. Soo whenever you hear about negative commentary about Islam or about anything for that manner then I'd suggest that you think about it and look it up and ask questions. So beware of what you read or hear for other matters. As for us women covering our is a sign of modesty and protection. For God created us and understands the ways of the human nature...especially how men suddenly become sexually active and it is hard for them to keep in control once they hit the age of puberty....especially when a girl is wearing too revealing or tight clothing. The hair is a mark of beauty and by covering it up we show it as a sign -a rebellious sign as a matter of fact- that we like to be looked upon in terms of character rather than by our bodily beauties and that includes the hair. The same actually goes for men....however its more stronger upon women since they are the symbol of Islam...not the moon and the star...but the women and her hijab. Why are women considered the symbols of Islam...well think about it...which gender promotes more toward good/mercy and kindness....the women of course! Allah - the arabic term for fact Christains and Jews that speak Arabic say Allah as well - knows best....he is the all knowing! And remember this life is a test....I understand there are pleasures in this life that humans naturally like to indulge in but can be harmful to them in the end...its nothing to be ashamed of ...we are all human and have our own needs and desires. That's why we have Islam to teach us in disciplining our souls ...our free order to build up a conscience and knowledge in this life so as to avoid the many mistakes and earthly troubles people tend to get themselves in. Well now that I'm finished I can finally add my last note of farewell and I apologize if you get any harsh critisms for your questions....its just that people don't understand that questions....even harsh ones....are needed to be asked in order to break off stereotypes and other barriers that prevent the ongoing progression toward human unity and compassion. So stay strong and keep on asking!

Questions for muslims...?

Very well said sister! I'm not a Muslim but I respect people who bring their points across in a diplomatic way rather than those who lambast,insult, slam or ridicule something just to prove a point, which at times are rantings and ravings with no basis at all. We are all civilized people anyway. Kudos to those who kept cooler heads, my hats are off to you!

Questions for muslims...?

I don't think women of any religion should have to cover up if they don't wish to, any true God would not impose such an ideal as this, it's just an excuse for insecure males to subjugate their women. If wish their were only one religion, that way millions of people may not have been killed in the name of so many so called peace loving religions...,,,

Questions for muslims...?

Humans have hair all over their body- every singel inch of it excluding the palms of your hand and soles of your feet. We shave it off....

Questions for muslims...?

Mohammed peace be upon him is the best of mankind, wot didnt he do, he help everyone he woz the most humble person on this earth. but dont get it wrong jesus woz a great man%26amp; he will come back to this world without doubt. the reson why der are so meny religoin is becouse this world is a test how would it be a test if everyone is following the rite religion.

Questions for muslims...?

well when jesus was around all the women covered up then and they also did when moses was around

why do christian nuns cover up hay???????????

you ignorant git

Questions for muslims...?

Jenn3365 talks of women not needing to flaunt themselves as they have self respect. No where in the writings of any Muslim bible does it say that women should cover themselves, it was their in-secure male partners who forced this upon them. Its now been going on for so long the women actually believe its what their God wants. But as i said, no where is it written. It was male insecurity and dominance which led to them repressing all Muslim women. Mick

edit: George Galloway pointed out in 1 of his talk shows that after having the Quran researched, there was no mention of women being repressed by clothing.

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