Thursday, June 17, 2010

Have you noticed how much we inflate differences?

Almost all people:

Have almost the same physical make-up. Two arms, two legs, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a mouth, a nose, two eyes, two ears, hair mostly on scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails. We have the same brain structure, with the same centers of the brain for certain things like speech, memory, pleasure, and pain. Medical students for the most part need only study The Human Body in textbooks, not 6 billion different bodies. Physically, we are very, very, very, very much alike.

Mentally and emotionally, we all (or 99% of us) think and feel almost identically. It would be a mess if we didn't. This allows us to be social creatures, able to relate to people on most levels. We all feel to some degree fear, loyalty, confidence, shame, pity, envy, amusement, pride, wonder, love, hate, exhaustion, hope, despair, and many other things. And mostly about the same things.

So why do we act like individuals are so different from each other?

Have you noticed how much we inflate differences?

Well, the things we feel may be identical, but what makes us feel them is unique to each individual person. What makes a person feel fear, envy, shame, wonder, love and hate, is what defines them.

A person who feels love towards something another hates is very different from that person. One person may envy something that brings shame upon another. Some people feel wonder or marvel at things that induce fear in others. Oh, we all feel these things, yes, but what makes us feel them...well, that's what makes us so different from each other.

Have you noticed how much we inflate differences?

too simple for the angry soap box crowd

Have you noticed how much we inflate differences?

I dont know. I guess it goes back to the whole emotion thing it makes people feel good if they think they are better then someone else. Silly idea but it is what it is.

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