Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

Whenever I see gay men either out and about or gay clubs, bars and get to talk to them, 80% of them have these made up, fake personalities, and dress themselves up, do their hair up and even put on makeup to make themselves look like a 15 year old anorexic kid Ken doll, and start acting like complete stupid stereotypes, which set back the human movement oh about hundreds of years. They seem to ignore virtually everything except themselves, and are somehow convinced that they're what's "hot" even though to everyone else including normal people, they look like trashy f$gs.

Also, Hollywood itself, pop culture, seems to be SO obsessed with youth as well, but I guess not as queeny about it as the gay culture.

They think that 25+ is considered "old and over."

they're litereally obsessed with the whole young look, and it's ALL about image for these people. it's so sick that people literally judge you at face value, and if you're not young and "plastic", you're out.

lol. anyone?

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

Some (and I think most) do grow out of that phase - eventually. Usually it takes a serious blow to the ego to bring them around.

And you're right. Hollywood is obsessed with youth. Strange in a way, since the biggest buying power is a little older. But I guess they've figured out that the older crowd wants to hang on a LITTLE longer to youth.

Mostly, I think it's easiest to put blinders on. At least for your own life, and simply ignore Hollywood and the Peter Pan wannabes hanging out at the clubs. And it's more productive and fulfilling.

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

It's not just the Gay and Hollywood pop culture that thinks that. I'm sure many other cultures out there think that. And besides, maybe you were just in a weird part of town when you went to all those gay bars. Who knows? Maybe its like that all over. But thats not the MAIN idea gay men have at the bars.

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

why would anyone want to look or be old tho?

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

Thomas- I hate to say this, but EVERYONE gets old. If you think it will never happen to you, then you are delusional.

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

I think 25+ is old in a certain sense. I just turned 25 and for the first time ever I no longer feel like a youth. I feel like a real adult. Which to me is fine - I know that lots and lots of great things can happen when you're a real adult - but there is something sad about ending the years of youth. Youth is the time when you're at your most beautiful. You're at your physical peak so you feel good. Sure it can be stressful, but that can lead to really interest expressions of teenage angst. Hollywood jumps all over those exciting tales that glorify those beautiful naive periods of youth where someone discovers all these things about the world for the first time.

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

I have decided to take over Guam with squirt guns. I think this is a doable task. I am making it a "gays and friends" only nation, and if you want to join me I think we produce our own televised broadcast of people from all backgrounds.

In all actuality honey, people want perfection because our society is obsessed with sex. No one wants to see my curvy, voluptuous self making love to my transgender, stocky boyfriend. They want to see two perfect people so they can live in their imaginary perfect worlds. Sad huh?

Got that squirt gun locked and loaded?

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

Everyone has a right to be and look the way they want

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

Heres the thing: would you want to be judged by people whose very "shallowness" and "stupidity" are exactly what makes them "tick" in a gay club? Face it, if you enter a gay club, it almost exclusively is a "physical thing", that is, people want to get laid, so inevitably, you are judged on physical merits.

No one goes to a club thinking "I'm gonna find my lifetime partner here".

There are many, many gay men who DO NOT fit that stereotype of being shallow, only concerned with beauty, diss other people, and all the horrible stereotypes. You just have to find them. Good luck!

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

you are right. i recall a friend tolkd me that '24' was not his ideal age for a guy ( as in he prefers younger guys), but it was 'alright'. 24? hmmmm....but, guys in general are obsessed with youth and young people, both straight and gay.

Why is gay culture and even pop Hollywood culture so YOUTH obsessed, and thinks 25+ is OLD?

who gives a rats need professional help if your so preoccupied w/such trivial!

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