When advertisers, on TV or anywhere else, display a woman as a sex object does it increase every female's danger of being assaulted, raped or abused since we've lost our humanity? Has rape increased since advertising started objectifying women in common ads or has it always been that way? do we take away the human side of a woman when we focus on only one part of her body such as her "pert" bust, her firm behind or her bouncy hair?
do men receive the same level of objectification? does it affect them the same way since most men are not in danger of being overpowered because women view them as objects?
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
Mistress K, I don't think unavailable was referring to the same types of actions you're referring to. I think she was referring to the way advertising agencies tend to present tall, skinny, flawless female bodies as presents wrapped up in shiny packages to all paying customers, not the friendliness and natural sexual expression you describe. I think you might be jumping to conclusions.
To answer your question, I think maybe your query is similar to this one: are men in emotional danger due to the objectification of women in advertising? There's no really accurate way to tell, but I suspect sometimes, maybe. But the evidence is so iffy. It's probably one icky piece in a big, toxic puzzle.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
I am in favour of free speech and free media, both of which is guaranteed under the bill of rights. We are a free society and if women want to be against it then I will have no choice but to oppose them.
EDIT- It isn't really hurting anybody seeing how the women in the "ads" agreed to give consent in the first place. It's not like its being forced upon them, which would be illegal.
And when I say oppose, I mean oppose their views, not their right to voice their opinions.
If it were men who were being treated this way by the media, I'd say the same thing.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
It is dangerous and in every way! It increases physical abuses as well as mental abuses. It in affect puts women down to the same level as a car...just a toy to be played with.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
I think that a lot of advertising is very disrespectful to women and focusing on parts of a woman as eye candy is a part of that but I don't think it is dangerous. It won't give any man who would rape a woman any ideas that he didn't have already.
The objectification from checking out a woman's breasts or legs or wherever is not what drives a rapist, it's that he sees her as someone to force and abuse.
~Sigy, La Senorita de los Cielos
[To Abusive Reporters: If I learn that this question is removed than I will write to answers-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com to support the asker and protest the removal]
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
People are being killed by cars and traffic accident everyday; let ban cars and any other form of transportation too then.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
yeah, I definitely think so. Society has created a strict double-standard for women, they must be sexy but not slutty. They should have sex, or else they're prudes. If they do have sex, they're whores. I mean.... really? The media teaches people that women don't have minds of their own, they're just.... sexual objects for men's pleasure %26gt;_%26lt; So yeah, it definitely raises the danger level for women.
Men are most definitely not objectified the same way.
They're supposed to become sexual experts, players, make
home runs, all that other crap. pimps and studs are regarded as good things. I don't think most people even know what pimps really do! It's ridiculous, and it ain't fair. even if they were objectified the same way as women, it wouldn't matter, because the average man stands a fighting chance against the next man and definitely woman, while the average woman is in danger walking around a residential neighborhood at midnight because she could easily be overpowered by a man.
Rape is not about sex, rape is about power, and misogyny. Anyone who says differently... I don't know what planet they're from. Men who rape hate women, it's that simple. They might have been abused as children, taught that women are evil, or any other factor or combination of them
...I'll stop before I start ranting haha
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
I don't think women are in physical danger based on advertising and media images alone. I think it falls into the category of convenient excuses to justify rape. Before the advent of mass communications, women were still being raped. Women in developing countries where technology isn't as advanced or is readily available are raped. Women that don't match that ideal beauty type portrayed in the media can be raped as well.
From a rapist's point of view, I'm sure they probably think of their victims as objects. In my mind, I don't understand how anyone could rape another person. Perhaps that's what a rapist needs in order to commit such a horrible act...dehumanizing the victim in order to go through with it. I think this is true of other heinous crimes as well. (murder, for example).
I don't know. Most men/women see all of these media images, yet they don't go out and rape anyone.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
Bingbing has made a great point and probably around what I would have said.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
Rapist have always been around, however, they must first objectify the woman before they rape. Some women have escaped rape by talking to the rapist and "deobjectifying" themselves. As for the effect of advertisements, they and pornography, and strip clubs train men to objectify women. In this way they aid men who would tend toward rape, by facilitating and speeding up the development of the rape mentality.
For argument sake, let's say that naturally 3% of men have the tendancy desire to rape, and wait only for the opportunity. If objectification, and especially violent objectification of women in the media encourage that tendancy in only 1% more of men in the general population, it can lead to a huge increase inthe # of rapes occuring. This is based on the projection that rapist, unless incarcerated will rape 6 or more times a year, and if you multiply that number by the years that they would be sexually active, that would be a possible increase of at least 100,000 rapes. I beleive my projections are low, so, yes, these images endanger women!
(As for strip clubs, yes the strippers chose to be seen as women who would do humilliating things for men they don't desire, for money. I do not choose to be seen that way, but their choice affects how men see every other woman they meet! In that way, I beleive that strippers, even more than pornography actresses demean me, and hae=rm me personally. If I am working with a guy who was at a strip club at lunch, how seriouly is he going to take me as a business equal?)
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
It's not advertising that makes women look bad; advertising only reflects what is already in society. It's the women who define themselves by their bodies and sleep around that cause women in general to be seen as sex objects. Crimes against women have increased since women became more sexually 'liberated' - that's not a coincidence.
It's always been more acceptable for men to be promiscuous, whilst still being seen as humans. I think the value of people in general has gone down, but with men it's been through legislation rather than being physically overpowered.
Are women in physical danger due to objectification found in advertising?
Yes maybe, the Lynx adverts are stupid for the body spray. the slogan is 'spray more, get more' hinting that just because a man uses deodorant women are gonna flock to sleep with him...
I think the people that govern the advertising are also insulting men, making them look like stupid idiots who will buy anything if it's got a semi naked woman on it - like motorbikes!
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