Thursday, November 26, 2009

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan h

The human mind can't help reasoning that since the "begotten son" of an African will look like an African, and that of a Chinaman as a Chinese, and that of an Indian like an Indian: so the begotten son of God aught naturally to look like God. Billions of beautiful pictures and replicas of this "only begotten son of God" are put in peoples hands. He looks like a European with blonde hair, blue eyes and handsome features like e one I saw in the "King of Kings" or "The Day of Triumph" or "Jesus of Nazareth". Remember Jeffrey Hunter? The "Savior" of the Christian is more like a German than a Jew with his polly nose. So naturally, if the son is a white man, the father would also be a white man (God?). Hence the darker skinned races of the earth subconsciously have the feeling of inferiorly ingrained in their souls as God's "step children". No amount of face creams, skin lighteners and hair strengtheners will erase the inferiority.God is neither black nor white.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

It doesn't matter what color Jesus has/had because He does not discriminate according to race so why should we label him as such? And when you see pictures of Him looking like a different ethnicity everytime, people would like to associate themselves with a God they can relate to. So it's the artists' doings, not God's.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

So maybe he's just a pigment of religious imagination.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

blacks have a black jesus because jesus WAS black.

If you think jesus WASNT black you are delusional.

He was the color of BURNT COPPER.

If you have no idea what color that is.. think eddie murphy. Thats about the same skin tone.

He had very curly hair.. as in white like wool.. If he had long stringy hair (like white people), it would be described as white like goat.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

actually, since jesus was nazarene, he'd most likely be darker skinned. We are supposed to be trying to be more like him spiritually, in our actions and thoughts, so making his depictions in various races gives us all a better chance of identifying with him--why have all the depictions be the same, which would leave thousands of people feeling like they cannot be like him because of mere physical characteristics?

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

What would jesus's color be if he was cremated?

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

What does it matter what color Jesus's skin was? I know in black churches they do have a black Jesus. But what does it harm? nothing, He is still Jesus and the important thing is that he is loved and worshiped. If I went to a black church I would still kiss the feet of Crucified Christ no matter what color he is.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

People have a tendency to go into denial when they feel threatened. So, to ease, some folks burden of guilt, and so forth, even to deny other ethnic groups and skin color, it is easier for them to portray Jesus (Rainbow Man), as their race (not that their is such a things as race, people grade into one another). So, when the threat is received by the unconscious, the minds filters, filter out anything it feels is threatening. So, contrary to the brown mans appearance in reality, people tend to portray Jesus as looking like them.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

Huh? If darker skinned people subconsciously feel Jesus is their color, how do they feel inferior? There is no step children of God, He loves us all the same.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

Some people want to view Christ as looking as they do. Clearly Jesus was Jewish.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

Most pictures we have of Jesus (God is harder to show in pictures in that he is not really seen as a man like Jesus was)...are from the renaissance period or slightly earlier when the Europeans were running the show....of course they will draw someone who looks familiar to them...I reality he should be dark skinned with curly dark hair....more like middle eastern than have to make him appeal to you....Barbie too has had to become "multinational" in the same appeal to more people.

God is neither black nor white. Why blacks has black jesus, whites has white jesus and in pakistan he is tan?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Mary and Joseph were both Jewish people. Most Jewish people are fair skinned, therefore I can say with utmost certainty that Jesus was a Caucasian who spoke Hebrew during the 30 years he walked the earth.

As for God, we were all created in his image. There are no two humans alike. Each one of us is unique and special in our own way. There is no need for jealousy, because we are all loved by god and we were all put on this earth to please him. He's not going to favor one more than he does the other, because God's Love works differently than Human Love. God doesn't set limits on his love for us. It is always unconditional, never lacking in any form, and forever pure.

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