Thursday, November 26, 2009

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

Race is a cultural construction; nothing more, nothing less. We all label each other based on the physical. Fats, tall people, blondes, Christians, the poor. What varies is that some cannot be changed%26amp;are genetic. Shouldn't there be a race of tall people%26amp;big nosed people? The human genome knows no race; color of skin is obvious and the perfect target for discrimination; this alone has created differences in behavior%26amp;culture. Even skin color varies%26amp; no anthropologist, biologist etc. can agree on a # of races that exist. Race is not given by default at birth. Don't claim to be a race unless you are willing to take all the negatives that come with it. What does minority mean; minor, oppressed? What are you proud of? To be lesser than? Ugly? Stupid? Loud? The same bigots that created race placed labels in fine print below it. Everyone loves the beautiful Beyonce, Halleberry, Naomi; all mixed. What is black culture; extensions, permed hair, synthesized whiteness? The real culture was lost in Africa.

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

I will gladly buy tickets back "home" for those blacks who keep whining about missing Africa.

See how ya like it over there...

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?


You can help by making this a quiet time

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

Shut the **** don't know what you are talking about. Didn't anyone say that they was proud to be black or anything and what is you while you talking? You need to stop being racist before you mess around with the wrong person and get cut.

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

You seem to be dealing with some personal issues. I don't care about the negative that people associate with the race I choose to claim. No matter what you group you find yourself in there will be some negative and culture was not lost in Africa. Leaving Africa made Blacks what they are today, granted that may not always be good and not all want to be better but that is no reason to disassociate yourself with an entire group because you think they are going in the wrong direction. Not everybody that is "mixed is beautiful and most people who claim to be so only say so to appeal to the whites. Being a minority does not mean you are less than it simply means that you are not to one in power. An example is women. We make up most of the population yet we are considered a minority because men run the world. Black culture is defined by the person seeking the definition. If you see black culture as extensions, "permed" hair (actually relaxed), and synthesized whiteness then you fell into the same trap you say others fell into. The whiteness you speak of is not always what people want to be. The blacks I know and associate myself with are not ugly, loud, or stupid. Just because you are in a grouping does not mean you have to be apart of all the stereotypes. You need to look at yourself before you speak so freely others and think about your insecurities. I am very proud to be beautiful smart black women who has no need to prove that black is indeed beautiful. And Beauty is not just the way you look it is also your mind so intelligence makes beauty so much more beautiful.

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

who ******* said BLACKS were PROUD to be stereotyped?!!!...

who YOU? question is who the hell are you to tell us what to claim or not claim. Trust me BLACKS in AMERICA dont have to claim ****!...WE ARE STEREOTYPED AGAINST from the moment we take a breath of air...and it stems from all that ignorant thinking that started centuries ago!....

what is white culture?...cruelty, degrading of others, selling their own mothers just to get to the top?!..synthesized european attitudes, fake eyes, lips, hips, etc..excessive tanning....

you see I can say all kinds of negative things about the white are no better than any other racist or bigot..because here you are coming onto a PUBLIC FORUM AND GENERALIZING A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT .....EXCEPT WHAT YOU SAW ON BET!!!


its a way of life and it will never change...

since your so worried about culture your question should be WHAT IS CULTURE?...NOT what is BLACK CULTURE? what does it matter to you..unless you walk a mile in a black persons shoes you know NOTHING of our culture...except what you see on tv ...didnt your mother ever tell you...Believe HALF of what your HEAR and NOTHING of what you MIGHT want to practice that CONCEPT...

since you seem to love concepts....

Blacks; stop being proud to be stereotyped, Is race a positive concept?

lol. waste of 5 points for you! (2points)

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