Think of the following:
- The human eye: with a blind spot and poor night vision.
- The human larynx: positioned so we can choke on our food.
- Male nipples
- Male genitals: with that last-turkey-in-the-shop look.
- Extravagant nose and ear hair among old men.
- Beards and moustaches on old women.
Surely this is the best evidence you could have that we are the creations of an incompetent designer 閳?presumably some trainee god on work experience.
I think this should now be recognised as indisputable.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
I think its excellent evidence of intellegent design by a committee of deities..
Polytheism must be true...the Gods are real :-)
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
ooook? no that is not proof....
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
LOL but a resounding no.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Since we're complaining, I'd like to complain about big brained babies coming out of that very small tunnel. That is really bad. Why not a kangaroo design?
And further, why can't we be born old, wise, and smart and actually get to use all that knowledge before we regress back to ignorant infants to die?
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
I've always been a proponent of Malevolent or Incompetent design - you can't dismiss that possibility!
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
The Big Bang violates the 1st law of thermodynamics, High energy physics is proving that the smallest partical doesn't exist ,Hence you may not exist ,except in a domain that you cannot imagine but imagines you.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
How about the fact we have NO natural defense except to punch? We can't climb or run worth ****, can't swim fast, and certainly can't fly. If I were to pick a creature to make intelligent, I'd pick.. a hawk perhaps, or a lion. Even monkeys are better adapted to this world than us!
Right on, man.
Although, I DO think it proves intelligent design by aliens with a sick sense of humor.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Well, you can't be proved wrong, so we might as well accept it as fact.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Obviously you're quite ignorant as to why we have what we have and how everythng we have functions and was designed for a specific purpose. Rather than making ignorant comments, do some research, then make educated comments.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Not particularly intelligent design!
I've always felt, when looking at comparative anatomy, that a designer must have come up with one basic idea then skived off early to the pub!
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Its not indisputable. Biologists have not yet found an example of irreducible complexity. All of your examples have already been debunked.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
No - they are all evidence of no design.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
I'll recognise it as indisputable.
Let's face it, gout, diabetes and mental illness really do fall into that awkward grey area of probably being the result of too much Free Will, anyway.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Oh, less with the "male nipples" stuff. Men have nipples because it was too much bother for them not to. Did you know men's breast tissue is actually capable of producing milk?
And male genitals are ugly, I'll give you that. A scrotum is an inside-out uterus. It always surprises me how men don't have them surgically removed. It can't be comfortable having all that stuff dangling down all the time!
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
teeth, you forgot teeth. The only part of the body that can only feel pain. If there i a god (which I doubt) he was indeed a sh*t designer..., though he did a good job with breasts. Took his time with them.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
I happen to like that last turkey in the shop look very much.
You're forgetting how drop dead gorgeous some of us ladies are, who do you think made that?
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
time to take legal actions against the designer
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Do you know, I think you must be right? Add on a bit of bloodshed, disease etc. and you're there.
Incompetent, trainee God it is then!
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
yup, the designer hung me like a donkey and now i have trouble walking, I'm suing for incompetence.
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
Yes. Look here for a great list of some of the incompetent designer's greatest mistakes:
(edited to add: aargh, YA won't let me put in that address. It is actually free webs dot com, remove the spaces.)
Alternatively you could accept that life is actually the work of Multiple Designers. Think about it: one gets to design the human body, with its immune system; and another gets to design the bugs that attack that very same immune system. It's the only way it could possibly make sense. Here's a summary of the Multiple Designers Theory:
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
The human body was made in God's image, which means the poor old sod must be feeling the years by NOW- or maybe He works out?
Isn't this prime evidence for design?
But, Garik, think of the marvelous complexity of that human eye (or any eye, for that matter!), the awesome beauty of a sun-rise or sun-set. The breathtaking beauty and complexity of nature. By accident? Without design? I don't think so.
On the other hand, that ear/nose hair and last-turkey-in-the shop? I agree 100% YUCH!
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