My cat is 9 years old. He is quite fat. I think maybe he has a hard time turning around and cleaning his back/rump area. His hair seems a bit greasy, even after I just bathe him. (which he hates)
Anyway, lately he has been getting these HUGE pustules. They are like zits, but several millimeters in diameter. You can squeeze them and MAJOR amounts of pus come out. The thing is, they don't go away. Over the past year he has developed about ten of these horrible things, and no matter how well I squeeze them, they come back. Sorry, I know that is gross.
Is there a special shampoo I can use on him? What about human acne wash? How often should I be washing him? Will he get used to it? Let me know if you need more information.
Cat has oily skin and pimply things!!?
I have no idea what it is, but it may be a symptom of a bigger problem. You need to take the cat to the vet to get him checked out. The vet can tell you what it is and how to deal with it.
With my cats, I bathe them about once a year. They keep themselves clean, and washing them gets rid of the natural oils that they need on their skin. They really aren't supposed to be bathed that often. Once every 3 or 4 months is plenty.
Don't use human acne wash, it's not formulated for a cat's skin and could really harm him. And, no, he won't get used to the bathing, he'll always hate it, no matter what you do.
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