Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a

I have done some reading on the subject, and as a very early sufferer of the adverse effects DHT has on the male scalp and hair production, I was wondering why no one has cured it yet. What is it about DHT that makes it so difficult to control? We have conquered polio and smallpox, and new treatments are being discovered every day for the host of maladies that we as the human race must face. But Male Pattern Baldness, one of the most humiliating, albeit not life-threatening problems, is still around, and perhaps more common (especially among young men) then ever. Why has there been so little progress? Are there any new treatments coming out with REAL promise, and not just a placebo effect?

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a cure soon?

There are several forms of hair loss. If it is male pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) then the hair loss cannot be fully cured in most cases, but just frozen for some time with the treatments availiable on market today. ( I'm hoping the new hair cloning technology will be availiable in the nearest future, because then the amount of donor hair will not be an issue anymore)

1) Hair transplant (FUE technology) creates really natural hairline, no scars, the best way to go if you have enough donor hair and money of course.

2. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil are the only ones approved by FDA and proven to work in most men so far.

Generic Propecia (finasteride) is also ok. I use it with same results, and unfortunately same side efefcts(a bit dry feeling in the scalp) as brand propecia. Have tried lots of herbal crap before it and laser combs, so far the only thing that prevents my hairloss, not much regrowth, but has stopped my hairloss completely.

I buy from this pharmacy for the last 2 years - . It is under $1 per pill for 1mg propecia.

also see

But before you consider to start propecia you must really study about the side effects. It can mess your hormones real bad if you are not lucky, so you must choose, hair or these side effects. Quite a big perecent have these side effects, more than Merck - the company that holds

Propecia trademark is saying. see the link for side effects stories

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a cure soon?

Ya, it seems so strange that they can put a man on the moon, but they can't find a way to keep my hair on my head! Wigs are starting look real good these days...who cares what people head is COLD!!! D'n'D

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a cure soon?

I bet if it affected women they would have sorted it out by now.

Nobody seems interested in sorting out mens problems.

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a cure soon?

There are some supplements advertised that stop this. Your male body produces testosterone naturally. When your body uses this hormone it converts it into a by product called Di-Hydro(????)-testosterone (some strange name) or DHT. This is why one of the side effects of steroid use while using them is baldness. I have seen some GNC type stores offer supplements that will keep this conversion from happening. They are usually designed to counter act the side effects of anabolic steroid use. Please note that they are deemed safe (at least by their manufacturers) and are not anabolic in nature.

Why is DHT so difficult to defeat when it comes to Male Pattern Baldness? Shouldn't there be a cure soon?

there is a near solution though. finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral. i have been taking this power 3 combo for 5 years and i got more hair than when i started. (no i don't have a baldspot anymore).

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