I have this annoying coworker who always says "god works in mysterious ways" when referring to favorable situations. Here's the deal, she's the worst back stabber at work, gets in cohoots with all big bosses, lies on her coworkers, and tries to use the strawman argument with the human resources personnel on whomever she chooses. she's really a true delight.
when do you suppose the lightning will strike her down and make her stop ruining people's lives or will she simply have to wait until the end of days or judgment day to get what she deserves?
Also, if she lives to a ripe old age of 80 or 90 and repents on her deathbed is all forgiven by god?
I was just asking because all of us at work were thinking about getting her by the hair and pulling it out until her head swells as big as a watermelon as our patience is running thin.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
My ex-wife was (and still is) a huge bible thumper. Rolling of the floor, laying on of hands, speaking in tongues, the whole thing. She is also the most passive aggressive, deceptive, manipulative and interpersonally destructive individual I have ever met. I can't apply my experience with her to the entire faith based community BUT I have also noticed a frequency in ugly hearted people hiding behind a God centered facade.
There is no one in this world (myself included) Christ centered or otherwise, who couldn't benefit from an occassional a$$ kicking. I encourage you to be direct.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
in my opinion you should beat her down
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Only love can conquer hate.
Jesus is the truth, the way and the life!
"Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One"
(Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad)
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
"GOD works in mysterious ways!"
Thanks, RR
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
You mean, she remains unsmitten by the almighty-God? Te-he-he...don't wish hell upon ur worst enemy; plz...it is not a nice place and God will take everyone in their due time :)
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Not everyone who mentions God truly knows Him.
You shall know them by their fruits.
But be not overcome of evil, overcome evil with good.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
religion is bunk
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Just live your life with moral compassion and let providence deal
with her, and all will unravel as it should
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Sounds very insecure to me.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
You know it could happen like this. All of those bad things she's done will one day land right in her lap in one huge bow tied package.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
typical of the christian behavior nasty person. But loves god. I know so many like her. Start complaining to HR about the religious thing. That might get some feathers rustled. You have a right to a safe work environment without threats to you I would consider it being harrassed.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
The answer to your question is......
...."God works in mysterious ways"
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
She's just self-righteous. A lot of christians are like that. Their faith somehow makes them superior to others. In their own minds anyway, certainly not in reality.
She's been saved, she can repent.
Love the christian, hate the christianity.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Yes it is possible for her to have a deathbed repentance. Just remember, repentance is a literal turning of the heart to go in the opposite direction than what someone was previously going, it is not a mere "God forgive me" that is only uttered to try and escape a just punishment, God looks at the heart. But absent of this, she will be answering for every sin...the same as you or I would have to apart from Christ.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
That's definetly a prime example of hypocrisy.
It's a shame there are so many hypocrites. Don't let her affect you. There are real loving believers out there.
Many people use religion to follow thier own plan for life... but true Christianity is following God's purpose and plan for you.
Just know that there are real Christians out there... She would be forgiven though. Just like you would. That's how good God is. His love amazes me.
We all deserve hell.. But Jesus made a way out.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
If you are in a right to work state that silly hoe could be out of there tomorrow, if not sabotage her but, then send her a card saying how GOD works in mysterious ways
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
She, like you, has the ability to choose how she wants to live her life. Believe me, I know, for I have a husband much the same way.
Lightning will most likely not strike her down. You will have to wait for her death or for the judgment, whichever comes first.
Yes, I'm afraid, that a deathbed repentence will have all forgiven by God. But still judgment comes.
Be kind to her, she is, after all 80 or 90. She can't live forever. You are young, you will get past it.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
christians love to stick up for thier flock only when its convenient for them, every other time theyre attacking other christians. Back on subject, i believe in karma, and even the christian bible says you reap what you sow, the woman will probably die in a car accident if shes as bad as you say she is. If i had my way id strike her down with lightning, but i dont even know where this woman lives or what her name is, if i had that information it whould be most helpful in catching this criminal.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Tell her the next time she refers to the workings of God that he sees every thing we do also.
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about the work ethic she has.
She can repent on her death-bed and go to heaven only if she is truly sorry for what she has done and accepts the Lord as her personal Savior. Most likely she is confused as to how a true Christian is supposed to act.
Always treat her with love and respect and maybe she will come around. Never give up on some one until they tell you that they reject God and don't want your help anymore.
Don't jeopardize your job by doing something to her that may get you fired.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
Patience, my friend! If she wants to live her life as a hypocrite, then she will receive her just rewards, in due time. Don't frustrate yourself for her pathetic actions. Everyone at your work should just go about their business... don't play her game. That will lower you to her level. The reason she acts out that way is probably because she lacks much in life. Who knows, maybe she cries herself to sleep because she has no real friends.
Believe me, I had a relative who was so greedy her whole life; she was an unhappy miser. When she died, her funeral was a disaster; she had made no arrangements and was buried in a mock casket with only five witnesses. People reap what they sow. God bless you.
How can this person keep saying these things to me?
You should become the lightning of wich you speak. Stop her in her tracks by confronting her. Ask her directly why she does what she does EVERY TIME. Don't get excited, just calmly ask, why do you lie about....and so on..Eventually she'll grow tired of being embarrased when you do. If you have the courage to pull her hair out, all of you could do this instead. She'll be put in her place quickly.
If she truly repents and is honestly ashamed and sorry for her behavior she will be forgiven. You can't fool GOD.
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