Saturday, November 28, 2009

How about this?

I am a human.

I have blood coursing through my veins.

I cannot choose not to breath.

I blink involuntarily mostly.

I am covered with hair, mostly on top of my dome.

I have skin.

I require a daily intake of nutrients for continued survival

I was "born" and I will "die"

Do you like or dislike me based on those facts?

Or must you have more of a reason to feel akin to me,

other than just being???

Why is it so hard to see that we are all One?

How about this?

To answer your question, in my opinion, most people of the world now days base whether they like someone or not on their race, financial worth, religious preference,and so on. If we were to look at the person as a person not to categorize them we would all be more satisfied with our lives.

How about this?

I would only dislike you for using the term "dome'. I think "head" is a better description. Report It

How about this?

STUPID Report It

How about this?

wish i could answer your question, but i have no answer but i can say i agree with the point your making!

How about this?

everyone has those things!( well, sum may not) yes i will like you

How about this?

I like that. Is it a poem? Very good one..if it is.

How about this?

Socially speaking, people are naturally drawn to those who are most like them. It may not be that they really dislike others, it's just that we feel more "akin" to those who are similar to us in culture and doctrine, even looks, etc. I have naturally red hair and freckles. I feel a bit of a kindred for those who have red hair and freckles because they are more like me and it's likely they may have experienced the same childish bullying in their lives that I have for my coloring.

I think the reason that it is hard for people to see that we are all one, is that many of us are taught from childhood to be with and feel safe around those who are like us. We carry that on. We carry on our parents and families prejudices until we are educated enough or brave enough to extract ourselves from their narrow view.

I, personally, feel one with all people. Even those that do evil. I simply pray for those who do not know the Lord. For according to what I know, they are in for a very "hot" future when they leave this world. Maybe even before they leave this world.

God bless you.

How about this?

I楹搈 glad to know there楹搒 a person who finds the idea of one-ness pretty straightforward. I楹搈 still struggling with it. But I had some insights into the concept.

I think that the source of liking or disliking things (or others) it楹搒 in our ego-mind (a powerful illusion projector). And most of us just buy the illusion and start to make differences among almost everything. Including others.

How about this?

For me I always love's people nomatter who they are or what they are, there is no such great difference compared to a blind and a normal being, a disabled and not. Nobody in this world is physicaly perfect for we are but equal specially in the eyes of God

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Psalm 139:14

every creation of God Is a wonderful being like You.

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