Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

When a woman chooses to have sex, she opens herself to becoming the home for a new human being. That is a valid choice that she makes with her partner, and she should be aware of the responsibility this places upon her for a possible new person where her choice is no longer only about her. If, (saying she got pregnant), the thing forming in her womb was part of HER body, like a fingernail, or hair or someother part, then why does it have it's own DNA? I submit to you that it is because it IS NOT part of her body, it is a new little person forming in her which she should protect! And the spirit of that person is already there, full and complete.

Can you imagine the outrage if someone began to perform abortions on mother seals? and yet we do it on human beings every day like it was nothing....

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

I agree!! If she is old enough and responsible enough to take the risks she should be willing to suffer the consequences... I have 2 children- both were not planned. But they are a blessing from God. Women should NOT have the right to choose..... Should I have the right to choose if I want to go down the street with an AK47 and shoot people? Whats the difference?? It's MURDER- no other way around it.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

Let's consider the positive side of allowing the unborn "surprises" to live... what if the child would grow up to be the one to find the cure for aids? or cancer??? etc. adoption NOT abortion Report It

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

it's nobody Else's business

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

Of course it's the woman's right to choose. This is the 21st Century; women can make choices for themselves. Personally, I would choose to abort my baby only if I was raped, was a victim of incest or some other sexual assault, if my baby was severely mentally or physically challenged, or if going through with the pregnancy would endanger my health. The embryo/foetus is not technically a human being, it is a human being in the making, so if a woman chooses to abort their baby they have a very good reason for it and think about it very carefully. It's a hard decision for a woman to make, you know. I am against aborting a pregnancy if the woman "didn't mean to get pregnant" and such. For me, if the woman gets pregnant on her own terms, or has finally conceived, aborting the pregnancy is wrong. You will never have to make this decision... think about what thousands of women a day have to go through by choosing to abort a baby. Also, the procedure is clean and hygienic, not at all unethical. I don't know where you get the "mother seal" thing from. Are seals victims of terrible sexual crimes?

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

I agree

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

womens and husband boths

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

Rape is not a choice. It is fair to make a woman see the face of her rapist for the rest of her life?

And if you were told that in spite of being on the pill, you were pregnant and you had a health condition where pregnancy could kill you, would you continue the pregnancy?

And if you were told that in spite of being on the pill, you were pregnant, and the medication you were on for health reasons would make your child have severe brain problems and it would be born severely deformed, would you continue the pregnancy?

If you were told that your child would be born with Tay Sachs, or a condition where they would live only a short painful life, would you continue the pregnancy?

I am not saying all abortions are these painful of decisions but some are.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

I agree, it not right to take another life. Abortion is worse than murder, cos it involves the life of a being that is helpless and dependent on the mother.

But you cant take a simplestand on it.. what if the woman was raped.. sex wasnt consensual ...why shud she suffer all her life for that? When she didnt choose that sexual act, then preganancy too is unwanted..itis natural that she woudl want to be rid of any memory associated with it..

Or if the child has been diagnosed with sm congenital, health problem that cannot be cured.. especially if the parents ( or single mother) cannot take care..but otherwise abortion is just an escape from responsibility.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

are you for real buddy. If you want parasites in your body then you have them. but until you can "get pregnant" I suggest you keep very quiet about it in front of women and in case nobody ever told you the pain is beyond belief. there is a saying ' if men had babies then all children would be only children"

It is so easy for m en to object to abortions but they have never carried or delivered . All we hear from them is a lot of romantic dribbling ----having a baby is bloody horrible ---and we wish ,most sincerely you would take the burden off us. having babies can be the worst experience of a womans life and you expect us to welcome it??????

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?


Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

you know you could say the same thing about men but so many upon finding out they may be a dad refuse to hear it...you talk about the woman hell it should be their choice before it's anyone Else's...I'm not going to say I back it but there's many reasons for doing so. It would be much better after the guy does a runner then that lovely trusting woman is left to raise her child with whatever she has...scraping by upset and what little she has to offer that child. There are so many unwanted children in this world which makes me sick and you would say the parents of those children are upstanding citizens because they went through with the pregnancy....GIVE ME A BREAK and we haven't even mentioned medical reasons...a woman should have to carry a dead fetus to term just to satisfy you...that want break her heart much hunh?

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

I can understand the point you are making, but I find it interesting that you only talk about the woman's responsibility. Women don't fall pregnant on their own, they have help. It's a rather simplistic, not to mention idealistic view that you are giving. I can give another, if you like. If men were always prepared to love, honour and support the women they have sex with and they child they helped create, perhaps there would be less abortions. Men are also responsible for the choices they make and are just as aware of the consequences. Unfortunately, it's not a perfect world, and people often look for love in the wrong places. They deserve our compassion, understanding and support, not condemnation.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

Ideally, that sounds perfect but we don't live in a perfect world. Many women get abortions not only because they had an unplanned pregnancy but because they were raped or the father splits after finding out. If the mother knows she can't do it on her own she might deside to stop the pregnancy that was not supposed to happen. There are individual circumstances that effect a women's choice in keeping her baby or not. It is up to her to make that choice for herself! No one can, or should, tell her what is best for her or her child.

Plus, How come it seems like no one ever thinks that babies can grow up to be murderers or people that wind up in jail where tax payers have to pay for all their survival, etc.? Babies can grow up to be good or bad. Most women that get abortions are women that are educated and that have money to pay for it. So, keeping all the babies that are going to have a harder time trying to contribute to society, (being in jail), doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do.

If parents are not going to take care or love a baby then it would be better for the baby to not be with the parents! The baby might be better off given up for adoption or aborted!

Not every person is ment to be alive! I think people need to realize that! Living things die! That is part of life! Some "have to" die sooner than other! Our parents can't live forever and neither can our children; and if we think that our children would have a better life by not being born than that is our choice. Example: It is better for a child to be safe in heaven (or where ever) than born into a family that malests their children, has parents that do drugs, or that are not going to give the child what it need to have a good life!

Having abortions is a way to make a bad situation a little bit better!

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

Oh, you are not bright, are you? You have a penis, you have no right to decide what I do with my womb.

For starters- Yes it is her right. You have no right to force a woman to be an incubator for a child she doesn't want. The child will statistically be abused, abandoned, or tossed at the state to raise. Would you like to live through that? Then shut up.

Also- SEALS? SEALS? How can you compare seals and humans? Seals cannot get an abortion- that requires a conscious choice. The seal isn't sentient (Or if it is, it isn't talking to us about it.) Also, the seal is endangered- an abortion on the seal doesn't make any sense. We want more, not less. Humans, on the other hand, are piling up like cord wood. We measure our population in the billions, and growing. There are so many of us that a few less (Or even alot less) are not going to make a difference, galactically speaking.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

I have to agree with you on this matter. Abortion is a part of society so it becomes everyone's business when it involves an unborn baby. You are absolutely correct that the human being that a woman carries does have its own DNA. Yes it is a woman's body and they have a right to choose but what about that other person they are carrying? They have rights too, a right to live. If a woman is going to have sex and know what can result from sex then that woman needs to do what she has to do to make sure she does not become pregnant either by using birth control or not having sex till she is more responsible and mature enough to deal with the consequences of having sex.

Abortion: Is it really only about a woman's right to choose?

and if a woman gets into a car she is opening herself up to the possibility of a car accident so doctors should do nothing to assist her.

and if you are on the phone when lightning strikes you should have do deal with all the consequences of using technology.

this is the 21st century, and women are now free to have premarital sex, just like men, but it is a woman who has to deal with all the physical consequences, yet men think it is still up to them to decide what a woman should do with her body.

If you believe that abortion is wrong...dont have one

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