Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

I want to settle a debate between me and my sister-in-law. She is 16, I am 23. She says that if you ahve fleas in your house, that you can get infested with them in your hair. Now I was always told that humans can not get fleas like animals because humans are too clean (they use shampoo, soap reglarly) and that since animals cant clean themselves as clean as humans, thats why they get fleas. Whos right? And will you explain? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE. thank you!

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

Fleas will land on you but, they will not stay. They have nowhere to hide as in pet hair.

You are correct.

We are too hygienic :-)

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

No you wont get fleas that stay on you but you may get some bites, dont worry just get clean your funiture and clothes and it will all go away, lice is a totally different thing though they will attach themselves to anything clean or dirty.

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

ok,fleas acctually like cleaner space cuz it makes it easier to move around,and yes you can get them in your hair....sad to say that i slept beside my dog and the next day my head was itchy....therefor i had to use this product called RID which is a flea,tick,and lice remover

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

Seriously, fleas can live in your carpet and then they will bite you especially on your legs to survive. As far as actually living in your hair and laying eggs etc, I'm not sure. But they can lay eggs in the carpet and will jump on anything that crosses their path. They may just jump off and on you and it could feel like they live on you.

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

You've never had to use a flea bomb have you....

If your house gets infested because of your animal... anything with blood becomes a food supply. Now that doesn't mean they'll lay eggs on you - they like a lot of cover like that fine fur next to the skin of most fur bearing animals.

Disgusting and annoying... but they could find a head of hair suitable under the right circumstances...

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

Humans can get fleas. Fleas don't care how clean you are, they simply sense a food source and go for it. They tend to congregate in warm, moist areas (armpits, bikini line, groin, etc), so if you are worried that you might be infested, check those places most thoroughly. If you find fleas and have problems killing them, you can put them in a small dish of alcohol (isopropyl), or turpentine. These substances will kill fleas quickly.

Fleas on me?!?!?!?

You don't need to get them in your hair, because you can get them inside your socks, pants and shoes, as well as bedcovers. I moved into a new "clean" apartment once and before I could get across the living room I looked down and saw 7 fleas on my shoe. I was sick. I went to the apartment manager and told her it had better be cleaned, I'm sure a bomb or two was set, but it did no good. I had to do it myself to kill them all. Also, if there are fleas in the carpets, they will "live" with you, in your bed, and can stay DORMANT in your carpet for up to ONE YEAR! So just because we think we've killed them doesn't mean we have.

So no, they may not live in your hair, but there will be little difference when their eating on you in bed, when toweling off or putting your contaminated shoes, socks and pants on.

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